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Database Services

GPS and Terrain Database Service

Wingman Services is your source for navigation and terrain databases for BendixKing products.

You will need to log in to Wingman Services to order or adjust your current subscriptions.

Wingman Price Catalog

Combined NAVDB & Terrain DB Calendar

Cycle Cut-Off Ship Effective
2201 3-Jan 19-Jan 27-Jan
2202 31-Jan 16-Feb 24-Feb
2203 28-Feb 16-Mar 24-Mar
2204 28-Mar 13-Apr 21-Apr
2205 25-Apr 11-May 19-May
2206 23-May 8-Jun 16-Jun
2207 20-Jun 6-Jul 14-Jul
2208 18-Jul 3-Aug 11-Aug
2209 15-Aug 31-Aug 8-Sep
2210 12-Sep 28-Sep 6-Oct
2211 10-Oct 26-Oct 3-Nov
2212 7-Nov 23-Nov 1-Dec
2213 5-Dec 21-Dec 29-Dec

Cycle Cut-Off Ship Effective
2301 2-Jan 18-Jan 26-Jan
2302 30-Jan 15-Feb 23-Feb
2303 27-Feb 15-Mar 23-Mar
2304 27-Mar 12-Apr 20-Apr
2305 24-Apr 10-May 18-May
2306 22-May 7-Jun 15-Jun
2307 19-Jun 5-Jul 13-Jul
2308 17-Jul 2-Aug 10-Aug
2309 14-Aug 30-Aug 7-Sep
2310 11-Sep 27-Sep 5-Oct
2311 9-Oct 25-Oct 2-Nov
2312 6-Nov 22-Nov 30-Nov
2313 4-Dec 20-Dec 28-Dec